Tuesday 23 September 2014

Janakuni boojalam gadu

 Janakuni boojalam gadu brasannuni jeyunathandu puththrun,de

Vanitha,elangu bharthruvasavarthini yai yadi sathkalathra me

Januduvipaththisoukhyasadrusa kriyudaathadu miththrun,deethrayam

Bunu jagathin labhinchu gadu bunyamu jesinayatti vaarikin!//59//

Good people like hood sons,good wives and good friends can never be yoursunless you have done some good deeds in your earlier life and it comes to your help in this life.a good son makes his parents happy and proud by his behaviour and deeds.a good wife always wishes for her husbands well being. A good friend is one who treats you equally whether in riches or in poverty.such son,wife and friend can not be gotten by all and sundry. Only lucky people and good people have that previlege.

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